Common work-in-progress-paper

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This is the working progress common paper discussed and written by the international exchange assembley on sunday 14.3.2010 in vienna.

It is meant to be discussed and worked on by the transnational assemblies of the education movements in Brussels, Madrid, Barcelona and Bochum. It can be commented on in this wiki:

Working Progress Common Paper

What we are We are a movement of students, lecturers, researchers and precarious workers, who met in Vienna during the Bologna Burns counter-summit to build up a self-organized transnational network. We define ourselves as non-fascist, non-racist and non-sexist and we want to create a common space of sharing critical knowledge. We are the crisis of the Bologna Process, we are angry, willing and able to fight! We are in solidarity with other social struggles.

We are not only against the failed implementation of the Bologna Process, but we want to smash it! During the discussion in the alternative summit we clearly spoke out against the commercialization and privatization of university and education in general. We are demanding free, total and equal access to university all over the world; this means also the complete abolition of tuition fees, reclaiming a new welfare system for students and precarious workers of universities. This includes guarantees and more funds for free research and teaching. We want to build up a self-organized university, made by all participants to share critical knowledge, create alternative ways and goals of education, hence the making of “our university”. Through this common text we would like to open a process to discuss and struggle together in the upcoming meetings ( Brussels, Madrid, Barcelona, Bochum) and in our local universities and collectives of struggles.

Make Bologna History, Make our University