AG Freie Bildungs Demokratien
Free learning societies. Developement bottom up.
„At the beginning of the working process people plan exceeding what is towards another being. This exists before it is realized in our conceptional power - the source of our human being.“ John Holloway
The Idea
Students, Pupils, Teachers, Parents found as an act of self empowerment in Universities, Schools, Kindergärten, Adult Education Organisations and private relationships „Free Education Democracies“ as seed for an international „Free Education Democracy Movement“.
„Free Education Democracies“ bring discussions and work on the change of realities directly and sustainably in the daily life of people. Everbody who wants a political change in favour of people and nature votes in a internet voting cabin for an ecologic-cooperative society and becomes automatically member of the Free Education Democracy Movement and the Free Education Democracy Parliament.
A possible consensus about another society.
Free democratic education in a free democratic society.
Free of killing our planet by reducing human beings to stimulus directed consumers and functional parts of a profitmaximizing production process. Free for a ecologic – cooperative society.
How you get part of a strong common power by working autonomously.
Education concerns all. Therefore the Free Education Democracy Movement could become the matrix for a broad sociable change. Free Education Democracies change the communities they relate to by their existence and special projects. People who had no support by improving obstructing circumstances form a new common power.
„Free Education Democracies“ support the achivement of a common vision by a permanent debate on critique and alternatives, the developement of adequate education concepts, the realization of effective activities for the developement of an Ecooperative Society, the demand of a suitable legal framework and decision making processes and by influencing the public discurse. Getting in contact with the reality of people in love as one of the most effective means for change.
By integrating „Free-Education-Democracy“ in the names of the different Free Education Demo-cracies, the movement, its members and their ambitions get a broad awareness in the public.
Every „Free-Education-Democracy“ is inside the movement autonomous. The connection between the different Free Education Democracies is the commitment on a Ecooperative Society, which supports and awards their members to think and act selfresponsible ressources-, self- and environmentlife-protecting, non misusing alcohol and drugs / selfassertive cooperative revalorizing /basedemo-cracyoriented deciding and delegating / equalrigthening, anti-rassistic / social, solidaric, intrinsic (de-economized) motivated,/ empathic selfdeterminative/inspiring/teasing/amusing / anti-sexistic, wellbeing-, sufficiency- and peaceoriented and demand a legal framework plus public support for such a change.
Starting in educational systems like Universities/Institutes, Schools/Classes, Kindergarten, Adults Education and Partnerships, continuing in Healthcare Systems, Public and commercial Companies, in Neighbourhoods / Sports-and Leisuregroups / Villages / Cities / Districts and Countries.
The public announcement of the „Free-Education-Democracy“-Movement should take place if their exists a sufficiant number of „Free Education Democracies“. Most important platforms for contacting potential „Free Education Democracy“- Founders are in 2010 the Bologna Counter Summit in Vienna and other Education Protest Events and the National and European Social Fora.
Literatur: "Was ist Politik?", Hannah Arendt, Piper, “Prinzip Menschlichkeit - Warum wir von Natur aus kooperieren”, J Bauer, Hoffmann & Campe, “Politik in der Risikogesellschaft”, Ulrich Beck, Suhrkamp, “Neoliberalismus und Weltmarkt”, Hansgeorg Conert, Verlag Sozialismus, “Nach dem Kapitalismus”, Gil Ducommun, Vianova, “Kooperation statt Konkurrenz", Christian Felber, Deutike, “Auswege aus dem Kapitalismus” ,Andre Gorz, Rotpunktverlag, “Mit Gramcsi arbeiten”, Merkens/Diaz Hg., Argument Verlag, "Die 4 in einem Perspektive", Frigga Haug, Argument Verlag. “Das Kapital”, Karl Marx, MEW 24, Karl Dietz, “Die Welt verändern ohne die Macht zu übernehmen”, John Holloway, “Neuschöpfung der Gesellschaft”, Pierre Ramus, Monte Verita, “Der Zustand der Welt”, K.H. Roth, VSA, “Geschlechterdemokratie”, Vananda Shiva
A possible agenda for Free Education Democracies.
Critique and Perspektives Debate. Permanent Commitment Specification. Excurses, Questions, Findings, Perspektives and Actionoptions. Inputs: existing critical analyses, concepts and demands.
Politics fields according to Altermondialismus concept Attac France: Education and other Public Services / Culture and Society / Democracy / Ecology / Economy / Peace / Social Justice and Security. Cross-section-topics Work, Feminism and Basic Rights.
Developing and realizing realisation strategies.
Demanding a new legal framework plus public support.
Creating critical curricula and workshops.
Public information and discussions.
Creative Public Actions.
Rising and maintaining own organisation and internet support (Functions WGs / Process input-WGs / Politics Fields-WGs / Action-WGs / Legal Wgs), Politics- and Art-Plena , Free Education Democracies Parliament, Wisdom Council (invalidation of decisions which endanger the fulfilment of basic goals ), FDC (Free Education Democracies Court ( General Indictment, Decisions on realities and prospects), Code of movement selfresponsability as basic principle; Rooms, people, connections, budget; Internet link to votingcabin;
How you can realize your own ambitions by the Free Education Democracy Movement.
Commit yourself at JOIN IN / Online participation.
Look for companions inside your social system, define your own agenda and start to work on it. Send an email with name and a short description of your social system, two persons with emailaddresses for contact and your homepage (if one exists). If you need any support give us a message. You'r pretty welcome.
What can you do outside your own community?
Spread out the spirit of a "free(education)dem(ocracies)"-society just by living it. Become a member of the movement supporters team. Continuing the Information- and Discussionprocess. Organizing Workshops / Lectures / Seminars. Initiating Research Projects. Contacting Universities and other organisations as potential Initiators of Free-Education-Democracies. We apprecheate your message.
AG Freie Bildungs Demokratien, #unibrennt Bewegung, Universität Wien
You'r welcome.