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ACHTUNG: Momentan schein ich das Ganze hier als Einfraubetrieb mit sporadischer Hilfe im Wiki zu bewerkstelligen. Ich sprech gut Englisch, weshalb ich Beiträge in dieser Sprache gleich gegenlesen und online stellen kann. Mein Französisch reicht zu diesem Zweck allerdings nicht. Wenn also hier niemand anderes gegenliest, kann ich nur entweder die Texte nicht online stellen, oder sie mit allen etwaigen Fehlern übernehmen. ALSO BITTE: Vielleicht findet sich wer zum Gegenlesen beim Französischen? Jegliche andere Mithilfe wird ebenfalls dankend angenommen.


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  • Bitte unbedingt die folgenden Arbeitsschritte einhalten (genauere Erklärung dieser Arbeitsschritte auf der Hauptseite:Internationalisierung AG (Übersetzung)), vor allem bei längeren Übersetzungen:
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    • Jemand mit WP-Zugang stellt die gegengelesenen Texte online und trägt sie in der Kategorie "Letzte online gestellte Texte" ein.

5.12.: ich werd mich jetzt wieder mehr einbringen, in englisch und französisch!Lg, Silvia


  • Absatz (Rechtstext) --> paragraph (!!)
  • AbsolventIn ---> graduate
  • Aktionstag --> Day of Action
  • Anmeldesystem ---> course registration system
  • Anrechnung ---> transfer of credits
  • AStA ---> General Students' Committee (of)
  • Äquivalenzlisten ---> fixed tables of equivalent courses
  • Arbeitsrecht (im Fall von Lehrenden) ---> Law of Employment
  • Bachelorstudium ---> Bachelor’s programme, Bachelor degree course
  • Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz --> Law for Equal Opportunities for People with Special Needs
  • Besetzung --> occupation [das Wort squat lieber vermeiden, das ist die (meist unpolitische) Besetzung eines leerstehenden Gebäudes!]
  • Bildung statt Ausbildung --> academic formation rather than simple job training
  • Elite-Universität --> elite university
  • Erweiterungscurricula --> "inflexible elective packages consisting of a set of predefined courses" (so-called "Erweiterungscurricula")
  • Fachhochschule --> university of applied sciences
  • Forderungen --> demands
  • Frauenförderung --> advancement of women
  • Frauenquote --> women's quota
  • Freies Wahlfach --> elective
  • Institut, Fakultät --> department
  • Hochschuldialog --> Higher Education Dialogue
  • Kollektivvertrag --> collective agreement
  • Lehramtsstudium --> teacher training programme
  • Masterstudium --> Master's programme
  • Nationalrat --> Austrian National Council
  • Ökonomisierung (der Bildung) --> commodification
  • Paragraph (Rechtstext) --> article (!!)
  • STEP --> introductory classes (called "STEP")
  • Studienabschnitt --> part (of the programme)
  • Studiengang --> degree programme
  • Studienplan --> curriculum
  • Studienprogrammleitung --> department administration
  • Studienvertretung --> student representatives
  • Universitätsleitung --> university administration
  • Vollversammlung --> plenary meeting
  • Voraussetzungsketten --> chains of prerequisite courses
  • Zugangsbeschränkungen --> admission restrictions


Dringend zu übersetzende Texte

  • Gut wäre immer eine Zusammenfasssung des neuesten Plenums-Protokolls (Es braucht wirklich nicht das gesamte Protokoll übersetzt werden, es reicht wenn kurz zusammengefasst wird, welche Themen behandelt wurden, u.U. wo es besonders viel Diskussion gegeben hat, und was beschlossen wurde):
  • Can someone translate this if it's the chronic (story) of the occupation, background... if it's not about that (i don't know I don't understand) is there anything that explains the occupation, the background, and goes into details as well?
    Tried to contact the responsible work group, but they don't seem to exist anymore. Also, the story only goes until day 15... Romana

Wer macht was?

(Bitte immer angeben: Datum, Uhrzeit, Texttitel auf Deutsch, Name oder Nick)

* 13.12., 13h: pressespiegel vom 7.12.:

Zuckerbrot und Peitsche Dialog statt Polizei Rektor und Caritas suchen Lösung vom 5.12.: Rektor biete audimax besetzern ersatzräume an --> bereit zum gegenlesen oder einfahc gleich reinstellen


  • PA BesetzerInnen warten auf konkretes Angebot (vom 10.12.)--> bereit zum reinstellen
  • Angebot des Rektorats an BesetzerInneen (vom 11.12.)

Übersetzungen, zum Gegenlesen

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Gegengelesene Texte, zum Online stellen

(Bitte immer auch den Titel auf Deutsch und einen Link zum Originaltext angeben; einzelne Texte mit Trennstrich voneinander trennen)

  • PA 10.12. BesetzerInnen warten auf konkretes Angebot

PR 10th of december: Occupiers wait for concrete offer from rectorate

Vienna- The so far vague offer from the rectorate to the students should be substantiated until Friday 11th. Pelden Gyatsho is attending the Audimax and will talk about his experiences. Against other media reports there is no concrete offer from the University of Vienna to the occupiers so far. Therefore this question was raised at the third meeting of occupiers, the general students committee and the university’s administration. The rectorate was asked to formulate a concrete offer to the students until the 11th in case the students would give up occupying halls from the University. If the offer will be there in time it will be discussed at the plenary session at the audimax 7 p.m. As there is no such offer until today it is not appropriate to expect a final decision from that plenary session of the 11th.

An end to the occupation would not only have consequences for the students but also for several homeless people that found a shelter at the Audimax. They would have to go back to the streets just as few days before Christmas.

Events at the Audimax

In the course of the international human rights festival in Vienna, Pelden Gaytsho is attending the Audimax on 10th of December at 7.30 p.m. The Buddhist monk, who had been detained during the Chinese invasion of Tibet, spent 33 years in jail. He will talk about his experiences. On Friday there will be Günther Ogris will attend the audimax for a discussion with the theme “relation between (Social-)science, politics and University”. Ogris is the head of department and research executive at SOGRA and his special fields are politics, political culture, education, health and research on effects of politics.

for further information please contact: Presse AG eMail: Phone: 0699/19203371 Homepage:

  • vom 13.12.:(WICHTIG!es fehlt noch punkt sieben, den mach ich später, wär aber wichtig dass der bald online kommt der text)

Angebot des Rektorats an die BesetzerInnen

Offer from the rectorate to the occupiers Focus- Measures from the University of Vienna to enhance study conditions

From the occupying students of the audimax several requests were formulated the administration board of the University agrees with, but whose realization is not possible by means of the administration only. Those requests have to be imposed on other responsibles (as the Ministry department, government and parliament). There is a mutual consent whereas the sustainable amelioration of study conditions and mentoring of students can only be made possible by a raise of the University’s budget. Therefore all the involved parties demand an increase of the University’s budget to 2 % of GDP. To strengthen the requests of the University of Vienna at the higher education dialogue from the Minister of Science, a collective position will be worked on. The rectorate is pointing out that a broad integration of students at the dialogue is sustainably strengthening the purposes of the University of Vienna. Concerning the current situation the rectorate is assuming that business as usual will be starting again soon in the now occupied lecture halls. As agreed on with the general students committee and representatives of the student’s movement the following measures will be taken to enhance the studying conditions at the university:

1. Curricula

revision/adaptation of the curricula (compare to meeting with chairperson of Senate- students) 2. Administration of degree programmes

course registration programme: analysis with participation of students, teachers and department administration and SSC- staff is currently taking place (prioritarily in the department administrations most affected by problems of the system, afterwards in all departments); implementation of first enhancements until summer semester 2010. Further enhancements in winter semester of 2011 (see handout to the 3rd forum) 3. Measures for students with Special Needs

prosecution of yet started measures in this field: increased insertion of new media and e-learning until summer term of 2010, actualization and amplification of the plans to a barrier-free study programme, tutorial system, etc. establishment of a student’s advisory board with the goal to collect experiences, information, evaluation of existing projects, formulation of recommendations, support of appointee for people with special needs (see handout 3rd forum) 4. Facilities

for networking and communication: office facilities at the main building for bigger events on requests: university halls (like the audimax) when there are no regular lectures taking place discussion with the responsible Vice- rector about learning and communication facilities 5. Measures to ensure further debate about education

continuance of the already existing debate about education for example within the framework of panel discussions (for example “University and democracy in the 21st century”, event series (for example “Humboldt today”); propositions for the concrete arrangement should be developed by students; the University board sees various forms of cooperation (for example participation at the events) every semester there should be a debate between rectorate and students on a broad range of participation 6. Amplification and acceleration of measures in heavily demanded disciplines

additional lectures visiting professors mentoring (especially at the beginning of the studies): enhanced integration of senior students in the lecture process; aim: new forms of Peer-mentoring orientation events in cooperation with student programme representatives and senior students

Pressemitteilung der Presse AG vom 7.12.: BesetzerInnen schlagen Umzug ins Parlament vor

Occupiers offer to move to the parliament Vienna, October the 8th. Board of University criticises high costs of the occupation. Occupiers offer to move to the parliament. At the dialogue last Friday (4th of December)rector Winckler criticised that most of the concerns had to be taken in front of the parliament and had to be directed to the politicians. Besides, the rector complained about the high costs arising from the occupation. As we students do take constructive critique very seriously we have a proposition to make: the last plenary session from parliament will take place Saturday the 12th of December. From that day on the plenary hall will be unused. That is why we suggest moving the occupation to the parliament. Usual lectures could start again and the University of Vienna could save the money they use for renting other rooms and halls. After the Christmas holiday of the parliamentarians we would agree to go back to the Audimax for our work. Another possibility would be to work out a common plan for further use of the building in cooperation with the executive committee of the parliament.

For further information please contact: AG Presse E-Mail: Phone: 0699/19203371

Pressespiegel artikel vom 5.12. und 7.12.

Dialogue instead of police force(vom 7.12. Dialog statt Polizei) University rector Georg Winckler is disapproving of the demand from the Austrian conservative party (ÖVP) to vacate the Audimax with police forces. He wants to talk to the occupiers tomorrow and is hoping to come to a solution through negotiations. Politics should provide a long-term solution to the problems, says Winckler at an evening radioshow from Ö1. The university board is expecting usual lectures to start soon at the Audimax and other occupied rooms, says Mr. Winckler. The high costs evolving from the occupation should be considered from the students as well.

On the other hand the rector is demanding a political solution “and not a solution with police forces”, as he puts it. It is about long term solutions and not about one day of unoccupied halls for lectures.

Dialogue instead of police Tomorrow there will be a talk in the Audimax. „We will make our position clear that the board of the University is soon expecting the Audimax to be used for usual lectures again. And I hope that we will all get what we want namely to have lectures held.”

carrot-and-stick-policy (Zuckerbrot und Peitsche für Besetzer) Georg Winckler, rector of the University of Vienna, was visiting students in a lecture hall the University had to rent as an alternative to the Audimax on Friday morning. In the Austria Center he called on the fresh(wo)men law students to say what they think: “Silent majorities can be a problem in a democracy”, he said. The occupations have become a political issue now. “Do something, say something, do not be a silent majority.” More than 600 lectures have been delayed to the Austria Centre, the exhibition centre Vienna and other places. The University is paying about 20.000 to 25.000 Euros daily. On the other hand Winckler is supportive to “a core of the protests that is justified.” For example there is a 13 % growth in students in winter semester of 2009 and a budgetary growth of only 3 %. Then again “the opinion of some of the occupiers that the plenary session of the Audimax is the highest institution of the republic is playing a role in some fantasies but is definitely not democratically legitimated.”

On Friday afternoon Winckler came to the Audimax for the first time. This was one of the preconditions for the occupiers to leave. By the time of the editorial deadline a result of this dialogue was still to be expected. The protesters do not stick to the gun: This weekend has been proclaimed „education weekend“. On Saturday there is a manifestation in Vienna: starting point is the west station (Westbahnhof); the Sigmund Freud park will be the final meeting point. 5000 participants are being expected with pupils, kindergarten teachers and unionists invited. The „education summit“ will take place at the occupied hall C1 at AKH. It will be about networking of students with students and students with other groups. Besides, nationwide actions will be planned in the weeks to come .

Meanwhile the students at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich have vacated their Audimax after three weeks of occupation. They are still going to use the hall in the evenings for the University debate. Beforehand the president of the University Bernd Huber offered to plead for better conditions for education together with the young people.

Occupation of the Audimax: Rector and Caritas are searching a solution(Caritas und Rektorat suchen gemeinsam eine Lösung) Vienna. He just wanted to make sure “that the students are doing fine” that is how the rector of the University of Vienna, Georg Winckler, explained his appearance in front of young law students in a hall rented as an alternative to the Audimax. The young law students should participate more in the protests and not be a “silent majority”, as Winckler puts it. Reason: The protests are expensive to the University. However, a „core of the protests is justified” says Winckler. To reach this core he came to a discussion in the Audimax on Friday afternoon- in the Audimax where homeless people have been a lot since lately, most of them from abroad. Now the Caritas is going to take care of them.

Rektor bietet Audimax-Besetzern Ersatzräume an Rector is offering alternative locations For the first time Georg Winckler, rector of the University of Vienna, talked to the protesters in the Audimax. He offered offices to the occupiers- but only in return of the Audimax for lecture purposes. But the protesters turned him down by saying they where no “part-time occupiers”.

Manifestation and summit for education With a manifestation and a summit the students want to call the attention this weekend again. At today’s manifestation other protest groups are expected to participate as well.

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